Student Progression
At Vacational Studies each of our students progresses educationally and as a person. They are cared for and supervised, but given the space to develop.
There are also positions of responsibility:
- Such positions may give an edge to a young person's CV.
- Anyone can apply to be a Mentor.
- Anyone can apply to be a Councillor.
- Those aged 16, 17 and 18+ can apply for positions of responsibility as House Captains, Prefects, Senior Prefects and beyond which will develop their skills of leadership.
- We also have the role of Ambassador (described here).
- We decide on suitability for any position of responsibility.
- Positions of responsibility can be revoked depending on performance.
- All positions of responsibility are subject to reconsideration after four days.
- Application for a position of responsibility does not mean that the position of responsibility will be given or kept.
Positions of responsibility are limited in number and are allocated in order of application.
Positions of responsibility can be allocated only to those with us for the duration of the Full Course and if requested at the time of application.
Anyone can exercise their skills and take the lead, if they wish. They do not need a title to do so.
To see how a young person can benefit, read Benedetta's letter here.
- Mentors will be those who are willing to advise others on how to gain the most from the experience. The staff will call on a Mentor if they feel a student would benefit from a chat. A student can request a Mentor if he or she feels it would help with such matters as integration. A Mentor is always advised and guided by staff. Mentors' Meetings are chaired by a student 'Head Mentor'.
- This role is a position of responsibility which can be included on a CV.
- Councillors will be students of any age who wish to seek and represent the views of other students on aspects of the Course such as catering, sports, activities and provide constructive input at Meetings of the Council. Council Meetings are chaired by a student 'Head Councillor'.
- Councillors may be added or removed as the Course progresses.
- This role is a position of responsibility which can be included on a CV.
- The concept of Ambassador was introduced in 2016 and will be continued. It is described here. It gives young people the opportunity to educate themselves about their country and to practise public speaking.
- It can be included on a CV.
House Captains
- Students of 16 and over can apply to be a House Captain. House Captains liaise with the Senior Sports/Social Organiser and take a lead in organising House events.
- They have the privilege of local shopping on any Sunday morning.
- House Captains may be added or removed as the Course progresses. After four days, House Captains are invited to meet the Directors and Sports Crew to decide if they and we wish them to continue in the role.
- House Captaincy may be repeated the following year.
- They will find the responsibility of House Captaincy a useful addition to their CV.
- We may invite students of 17 who are known to us and those who are 18 to become Prefects, if they wish and if there are places. Prefects are responsible for overseeing student integration and acting to encourage it when necessary.
- Prefects are students and will be allocated tasks by the Directors, the Course Manager and the Academic Manager. Classroom Prefects will be allocated to different classes and will learn English by using it in the classroom and in the film-making process as 'classroom assistants'. They will swap classes and perform different functions in each class. They may be allocated students for one-to-one structured conversations. Office Prefects will be used administratively and have access to the Office. They will be allocated tasks that may include creating, distributing and analysing student initial feedback forms, checking flight information and other administrative work. Prefects will lose 'taught hours', but will gain language by using it and they will also develop independence.
- Prefects' bed time will be one hour later than the norm. They have the privilege of local shopping in a group of three on any Sunday morning. Prefects may be considered for sports/social staff positions if they will reach 19 in the year in which the position is applied for.
- After four days, Prefects are invited to meet the Directors, the Course Manager, the Academic Manager and Senior Sports/Social Organiser to decide if they and we wish them to continue in the role.
- Those thinking of Prefectship or Senior Prefectship in 2025 should read 'Notes and History of Prefectship'.
- Anyone who was a Prefect in the previous year will be a Senior Prefect (see below.)
- They will find the responsibility of Prefectship a useful addition to their CV and may ask the Directors for a Testimonial.
Senior Prefects
- We may invite students who have already been Prefects and/or who are 18+ to become Senior Prefects.
- A Senior Prefect will oversee the work of Prefects, will be invited to attend Board Meetings, will be invited to join in with the work of the Sports/Social staff and help organise sports and events.
- A Senior Prefect will not be considered a student, but the place is chargeable at the normal student rate.
- A Senior Prefect will have some of the responsibilities of a member of staff.
- Those aged 18+ will not have an arranged bed-time and will be able to socialise with the Sports/Social staff as they and the staff wish.
- After four days, Senior Prefects are invited to meet the Directors, the Course Manager, the Academic Manager and Senior Sports Social Organiser to decide if they and we wish them to continue in this role.
- They will find the privilege and responsibility of Senior Prefectship a useful addition to their CV and may ask the Directors for a Testimonial.
Former students (see below Sports/Social staff)
- Former students of 19 and over can be considered for sports/social posts.
- A Prefectship/Senior Prefectship is often a precursor to a sports/social post.
- All non-UK staff require a Work Visa. It is necessary to prove knowledge of English with an 'IELTS for UK VI Academic' qualification which must not be older than 2.5 years. This can be taken in the UK and other countries, The link is here.
- The contents of the 'Notes for Staff' apply to all sports/social staff.
- Candidates for sports/social staff posts show their initiative by applying.
UK/EU Reps
- UK/EU Reps come to us after application, a letter of recommendation from staff and a competitive interview.
- They are 17 and will have native ability in English.
- This is a free place.
- They will have read the 'Notes for UK Reps' and the 'Notes for Students'.
- Good UK/EU Reps are eligible for eventual employment.
- And here is a former UK Rep.
Sports/Social Staff
- Sports Staff are chosen by the Senior Sports/Social Organiser and the Directors.
- Applications are received in January.
- The Senior Sports/Social Organiser is appointed in January.
- Existing staff are given first choice.
- Remaining posts are allocated in February.